City Departments focused on your Safety

Learn more about what we do to make SLO as safe as possible

The City of San Luis Obispo cares about your safety and wellness.  Below are links to departments that make your safety a key component of their primary mission.

Community Development Department safety programs include those related to building safety, code enforcement, and urban blight.

Fire Department safety programs include those related to disaster preparedness, community emergency response training (CERT), and fire prevention in and around businesses and home.

Parks and Recreation safety programs include those related to safety in our Open Space, trails, and park facilities.

Police Department safety programs include those related to crime prevention, neighborhood watch, traffic concerns and neighborhood outreach.

Public Works Department safety programs include those related to storm preparedness, transportation safety plans, and road work information.

Utilities Department safety programs include those related to ensuring safe, reliable drinking water, water conservation, and processing of waste water.